Article 23 - Telecommunication and electronic services

Telecommunication and electronic services

1. “Telecommunication services” means delivering, broadcasting, converting or receiving any of the services specified below by using any communications equipment or devices that transmit, broadcast, convert, or receive such service by electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic, electrochemical or electromechanical means or other means of communication, including:

a. Wired and wireless communications.

b. Voice, music and other audio material.

c. Viewable images.

d. Signals used for transmission with the exception of public broadcasts.

e. Signals used to operate and control any machinery or equipment;

f. Services of an equivalent type which have a similar purpose and function.

2. “Electronic services” means Services which are automatically delivered over the internet, or an electronic network, or an electronic marketplace, including:

a. Supply of domain names, web-hosting and remote maintenance of programs and equipment;

b. The supply and updating of software;

c. The supply of images, text, and information provided electronically such as photos, screensavers, electronic books and other digitized documents and files;

d. The supply of music, films and games on demand;

e. The supply of online magazines;

f. The supply of advertising space on a website and any rights associated with such advertising;

g. The supply of political, cultural, artistic, sporting, scientific, educational or entertainment broadcasts, including broadcasts of events;

h. Live streaming via the internet;

i. The supply of distance learning;

j. Services of an equivalent type which have a similar purpose and function.

3. “Electronic marketplace” means a distribution service which is operated by electronic means, including by a website, internet portal, gateway, store, or distribution platform, and meets the following conditions:

a. Which allows suppliers to make supplies of electronic services to customers.

b. The supplies made by the marketplace must be made by electronic means.