Article 26 - Reduction of Administrative Penalties or Exemption Therefrom

1. The Authority may reduce or waive any administrative penalties imposed on any person whose violation of the provisions of the Law or Tax Law was proved, according to the following provisions:

a. The Person has an excuse that is acceptable to the Authority.
b. The Person provides evidence that justifies the excuse and the violation it caused, which led to the imposition of Administrative Penalties.
c. The reduction or exemption application shall be notified to the Authority as per the mechanism specified by the Authority within 10 business days as of the end of the acceptable excuse.
d. The Person shall not have been subject to any Administrative Penalties in the 2 years preceding the application.
e. The Person shall demonstrate that they have corrected the violation.

2. For the purposes of paragraph (a) of Clause (1) of this Article, an acceptance of an excuse shall be decided by a committee, set up by a decision of the Director-General, consisting of three officers, specialised in reviewing the excuse and evidence provided by the violating Person, and accepting or rejecting the excuse subject to Clauses (3) and (4) of this Article.

3. An excuse shall not be considered acceptable if the act that led to the violation was deliberate.

4. The following shall not ordinarily be considered an acceptable excuse:

a. Insufficiency of funds.
b. Reliance on another Person.

5. The Authority shall make its decision in respect of the reduction of the Administrative Penalties or exemption therefrom within (20) business days from receiving the application, and shall notify the Person of said decision within (10) business days as of issuing its decision.